Kamis, 23 April 2015

Softskill Bing Bisnis 2 Tulisan

Buatlah masing-masing 5 kalimat menggunakan bentuk negative can’t dan couldn’t

1.    I can’t drive a car
2.    She can’t sing that song
3.    Susi can’t see ghost
4.    He can’t draw on canvas
5.    Yeni can’t eat spicy food

1.    I couldn’t watch concert a month ago
2.    She couldn’t buy a house a year ago
3.    Sarah couldn’t go to Japan two months ago
4.    Desi couldn’t lift the couch by her self yesterday
5.    Andi couldn’t run more that a mile in his twenties

Softskill Bing Bisnis 2

 hal 102 Lat. 09

10. (…) is carrying some heavy packages. What are you going to say to him/her?
Answer: Can I help you carrying your packages?

11. You are speaking to one of your teachers. You want to leave class early today.
Answer: Could I leave class early today?

12. You’re in a store. Your bill is (a certain amount of money). You have only (a lesser amount of money). What are you going to say to your friend?
Answer: Can I borrow your money?

13. You have a job at (name of local store). A customer walks to your counter. What are you going to say to the customer?

Answer: May I help you?